Tuesday, July 8, 2008

PD continued

tomorrow 9th of July, 10 a.m. sharp I will continue the P.D workshop in the lecture hall.
Again bring your laptops and earphones.

if You haven't done yet install the extended version from:

topics for tomorrow:
  • playing with soundfiles/samples
  • a depper look into messages and flow order of signal/messages
  • logical decisions
  • program internals - path, libraries, externals, abstraction, sub-patch
  • comman line options
  • communication with outside pd
if You are not cruising istanbul this night You might get inspirations from the following links:

the main portal: http://puredata.info/

tutorials in starting with pd:

tutorial sounddesign in pd http://obiwannabe.co.uk/html/sound-design/sound-design-all.html

more on the midi side: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/digitalmedia/2005/04/27/pd.html

Videos about works in MAX/MSP/Jitter on myspace
(everything You can do with max/msp/jitter You can do with pd, but maybe not as easyly)

sorry, german only:

have fun

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