Monday, July 7, 2008

A short introduction ot Pure Data

Short introduction in Pure Data
To whom it may concern:
Today (monday) after the screening Ill give an introduction to:
PD - The ultimate Computer Music hack ...
in the lecture hall

"PD" stands for Pure Data and is a graphical Computer Music System written by Miller S. Puckette .Its has an reatime Open GL rendering mashine also etc etc..

It works in a similar way as Max/MSP or jMax from IRCAM.

PD is open source software, it is free for any use and can be downloaded from the internet. PD runs on Win32, IRIX and LINUX platforms.

It is easy to extend PD with third-party plug-ins (so-called "externals"). Many collections of externals (so-called "libraries") are already aviable.

please bring Your laptops and earphones and for those who want to do more than just look install the appropriate version from here:
Pd extended 0.40.3 extended rc 3

see You
Seppo G.

1 comment:

code66 said...

I liked your introduction very much Seppo. I will not start the software now, because I really need some sleep ;-)